I often say to people that the only stress we have in our lives now we are retired is deciding what's for dinner! However, the answer to the question in DDW's January Challenge, WHAT'S FOR DINNER? is "I don't know"!
Today is cleaning day, and as we have a 2 for 1 Voucher for our favourite beachside restaurant, Urban Reef, we have decided that we will clean all day - well, as long as it takes - then go out for dinner tonight, so until we get there and see what's on the Menu, I have no idea WHAT'S FOR DINNER!
However for 13.1% of the world's population - roughly 925 million are under-nourished on a daily basis - although the world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people in it, poverty is the main cause of hunger and hunger is a cause of poverty.
Nearly 98% of worldwide hunger exists in underdeveloped countries
In 2010, an estimated 7.6 million children - more than 20,000 a day - died from hunger and each year, 17 million children are born underweight because their mothers are malnourished.
These are worrying and sobering facts, and you can read more about global hunger here.
We have really enjoyed our time at the coast, and tomorrow we will pack up and go home - we have good neighbours who have looked after the house and they will be putting the heating on today so that it is warm and cosy - we are so blessed!
Tonight before we eat our meal we will remember those who are hungry and who will have no choice about when and what to eat.
"Give us today the food we need…"
Matthew 6:11
New Living Translation
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