Goodbye to Yucatan
This big tree with shiny big red flowers was standing outside the airport of Cancun. I have no idea what kind of tree it is, but I have seen similar ones in Australia and or New Zealand. Maybe anyone of you knows its name?
Today was a travel day. My Swiss friend, that I had visited there ( she had spent two months in Playa del Carmen to learn Spanish and Salsa dancing) and I made our luggage and said goodbye. It might well be several years before we meet again. She traveled on to Merida, the capital of Yucatan, I went back to Reno via Phoenix. Took lots of pictures, but it is amazing how my eyes cheat me. Most of the pictures were somehow blurry ( but had seemed just fine, when I took them…)
Here on the IMac the quality of each picture is always immediately visible.
It was a wonderful little trip. Gave me a lot of new images and impressions and I decided that we should make such short trips more often, just have to convince hubby.
Warm sunny beach days, a Rock Concert in a Beach bar with Jam Session, when the speakers gave up somehow, free Salsa Classes and dancing in another bar on the beach (not as perfect as the Cuban dancers on You Tube) and yesterday a wonderful dinner with the friend and her friends. I felt 20 years younger than I am…:-) Going out at night is something that is not happening often enough when I am in Reno.
Thank you for all your kind comments, stars and hearts yesterday. I will have time to visit your journals tomorrow. Thanks also to the new subscribers!
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