Mountain Bike

Challenge Wanaka kicked off today in great weather.
This event consists of a 3.8 Km swim, a 180 Km bike and a 42 km run and if you are not completely shot by then, you can come past and take me for a stickathon.
This bloke was about 30 Km into the bike bit.

Early morning (7.00 ish) and The Boss went off without me AND there was a bit of trouble about THAT but The Bossess managed to calm me down even tho she took off in the opposite direction towards town. The Boss had “sussed” a site earlier when out with ME but decided I might not have the patience to be with him, sitting on the side of the road, on his light weight jacket in 4 C (Summer) waiting for bikes to appear, so I went with The Bossess and watched the swimmers instead.

We met up afterwards and had emergency ginger slice and hot chocolate at our favourite place. I stayed outside as someone had tied my lead to a pole but I was entertained by “The Carpet layer” of previous adventures and Asian tourists who love taking pictures of wonderful, attractive and captivating dogs with magnificent curls who are also very modest and sit when cameras are pointed.

Then we all went home (Cold) and The Boss went to sleep in the sun on the couch until it (the sun) went out and it rained a bit. WOW The sheep (wether) sure got today wrong but I bet the athletes were pleased about the lower than predicted temperatures.

Couple more on the portfolio

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