From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

...'Look out of my window and what do I see?'...

A quickie today as my eyes are heavy..

It was another busy day I'm glad to say as it certainly is most welcome at times to make the days fly. Amazingly I didn't get to eat my second breakfast - scrambled eggs with mushrooms and red onions on cheesy toast until 9:30! I was rattling like Bony by then which was not good. I go very cold and shaky if I don't eat frequently. It was just that kind of day. I made up for it and will have had a chippy tea tonight by the time I post this as I cannot be bothered to cook. Very bad!

The morning radio phone-in was interesting again today. I've tried to write about it three times and nearly sent myself to sleep. Suffice it to say that it was all about banks (the financial sort rather than rivers), politics and how it was all London's fault - everything! - and the greedy bankers there. The majority of callers were Scots living in the Midlands which just goes to show what gets the juices going of the passionate Scots particularly at this time. It's all finances and independence from London and/or England. It certainly made for a lot of noisy arguing over the radio waves!

I took a blip break in the middle of the afternoon so I wouldn't be hunting about at the last minute. It was very busy out there today with starlings, sparrows, pigeons, tits, blackbirds, the rat from under the shed and two squirrels.

That's it for today as the rest of it is all work stuff and me frowning at my screen. Mom phoned in the middle of The Chase to tell me the best way to cook a pork chop but I have nothing else to tell you.

Oh yes! It's only a week until a bit of Stratford upon Avon becomes a bit of Edinburgh when David, Siobhan, Lesley and their other halves come down for a couple of days! The countdown begins...

Track? Another cracker from David Bowie - Oh You Pretty Things!

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