New Foundlings

A friend brought us two new dove babies yesterday and today, they are soooo cute, they must have fallen out their mum's nest, they are still real tiny! Charmaine is hand feeding them again, the one that was here since yesterday really eats so well already, but this one is still a bit scared! It is so touching to see how the poor little thing relies on his only defense mechanism, which is his 'huge' wingspan, he tries to scare Charmaine away with his little wings when she gets too close to him!

The heat was still absolutely horrifying today, Charmaine measured 40 degrees Celsius at lunchtime today, and 18:30 this afternoon it was still 36 C under the tree in our garden and the swimming pool water was 34 C then as well. Eish, truly hope the weather man's promise of slightly lower temps by Monday will come true! ;-)

'One Year Ago'

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