
By LuvU2

Rolling Spider Mini Drone

Ronnie jr bought this one for his Dad in Malaysia, he was só excited to bring it home, and Charmaine and I kept it all a secret. Friday night was prezzie exchange time, since we haven't seen each other since 7 December, huge excitement! Ronnie sr played with his Drone in the TV room, and Saturday again. Saturday afternoon Charmaine started the BBQ (Braai) by the swimming pool and Ron decided to let it fly outside, by golly, huge mistake! The little drone took off at a speed and accelerated shockingly fast, higher and higher into the air until they couldn't see it anymore, and believe me, we haven't seen it again. 

What a sad day, everybody was so upset and angry about it, we searched a very wide area around our complex and asked the neighbors to be on the lookout as well. It is Monday night already now, and no trace of it yet! Eish!

'One Year Ago' - New Foundlings

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