Hot Pot is my FAVOURITE Chinese meal. It is not just the food, it is a very sociable meal. Everyone sits around a heated pot in the middle of the table and you order food.. You cook it yourself in the pot at the table and talk and drink.. It's wonderful.. The food is GREAT too. Trouble is.. while I love it, I rarely get to eat it. Most nights I eat alone and a person sitting in a Hot Pot restaurant by themselves is pretty sad.

Recently, someone suggested I have it at home by myself. You can buy the soup mix in the supermarket and today two of the teachers form school came with me to help me buy what I needed. To thank them, I invited them to the inaugural Mossie Hot Pot. We had a fun time shopping and then it was nice to have people over for dinner. I can;ty wait to be able to have it with my girl Tina.

This is the view of the whole setup before we started to cook. Lots of lovely fresh veggies (cause I am also trying to eat better) a little meat and a few things I wouldn't touch. Seeweed, Fish balls (must have been bloody big fish). GOOD FUN.. GOOD FOOD. I have enough left over to have it again tomorrow night and tomorrow night I can have the YUMMY YUMMY SPICEY sauce.

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