
By TynvdB

Deus sive Natura

After my earlymorning exercises, it started to drizzle. "Nothing to see at sea today," I thought... An excellent opportunity to make a little journey to Spinoza's House in Rijnsburg near Leiden. So packed with some sandwiches I took the public transport to reach that little old neighbourhood where around 1660 Spinoza found refuge after he was excommunicated from Talmud Thora congregation in Amsterdam.
During my walk along the old canals of Rijnsburg it started pouring. The Spinoza-House has survived the ravages of time. For those who forever have fallen in love with his ideas, his work and his way of living, a pilgimage to this sacred place is a must....Even if "the Spinoza-Museum" is temporarily inaccessible. You can visit it only on Sunday and Tuesday from 1 to 5 PM....
I had left in a hurry, not minding about umbrella's and/or visiting hours...So there I stood outside, soaked, taking pictures with raindrops on the lens. The automatic flash worked as I was shooting his bust in the backyard. Oh, this wet and dripping darkness. I will come back and visit your workshop and library, dear Baruch, the first dry Sun- or Tuesday-afternoon!
On my way back I mused on writing about this odd pilgrimage. "Are you already back home now?", She asked slightly absent-minded. As if I had left some quarter of an hour ago. "Have you been there at all?"...
But then, after the hot tea, suddenly the sun reappeared: a rainbow! The gulls flying towards the sea. And off I went again to the seashore. And look! You can see it in this picture: the meaning of Spinoza's "Deus sive Natura" ("God or Nature").

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