
What a grey day. Not cold though, just damp and drizzly. The garden centre was warm and bright and even better, they had 50% off orchids.

It is 23 years this week since Mum died, and I usually buy a flower of some sort to commemorate her life.This is the one I added to our collection. Isn't it beautiful?

Wrote this poem for her quite a few years ago now.


you are here today.
when I wake,
as I break my fast,
and now as I work
I can feel
your closeness,
so natural
I almost
didn’t notice,
as if
I’d been at yours
just yesterday.
it’s as if
you’d popped in
for a cuppa,
stayed to help out
with the chores
while I sit
the computer screen
fingers tripping
over the keys.

you are here today
as if
fourteen years
have not passed
since you went away,
as if the you-shaped hole
has never been
and the space
in our lives
never needed
to be filled.
it’s as if
you reached out
and touched me
this morning.

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