The Cormorant

Another wet, grey day and I had no other plans than to go to the gym, so I took both cameras with me and after Zumba went for another walk round the Marina in search of the Cormorants. There's usually a lot of them around the fishing boats and yesterday I got some lovely shots of them basking in the sun, but decided to blip the Murmuration instead.

Fortunately I wasn't disappointed they were there again today, so I stood and watched as they swam and fished, before this one flew onto the jetty. I got some shots of him with his wings open, but I particularly like the angle of this one and the detail in his wings, plus I've previously blipped one basking as you can see here.

This afternoon I need to do some packing as I'm out in the day tomorrow, and then tomorrow night we're driving up North for the weekend as it's Scarlett's first birthday on Friday. So I'll go and get some lunch and then crack on, hope you're having a good day!

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