the keys...

-my heart
-the front door
-san francisco
-anne frank's diary

or - who knows what - seriously people? these keys have been following me for years! years, i tell you! they have been in this little trinket bowl - on the top of my dresser - mixed in with a myriad of other misc items - why i have them? i don't know - how i acquired them? that's even more mysterious to me - for i have no memory of them - of ever using them - of obtaining them at some point in my history - at all! it's like they simply showed up one day - and i've had them ever since - now they just follow me around - like lost little puppies - wherever i go - they go - isn't that the silliest thing ever? do you have things like this?

i realize i should probably get rid of them - since i have no use for them - yet somehow - it's as though they've become as one with my trinket bowl - it wouldn't be the same without their presence in it - so how might i justify throwing them away now - not when it appears they really make the difference to...


happy day.....

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