wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I'll take name that duck for 300 Alex

That is a Jeopardy reference.

I went to the waterfront today. I saw eider ducks and this one. I have no idea what it is. I think it is called a scaup. Again another bird I have never heard of. I am off and researching this one. Any ideas anyone? It was in the ocean.
It is cold and a bit gray on the waterfront.

The eider ducks are beautiful. However I scared them away. This bird was irritated however a bit more patient.
Come to think of it they were probably pissed I was wearing a down coat. I seem to be working my way down the animal kingdom in the coat category.
The word is out. Nothing is safe.
hey you done with that banana?

I love it when you get out of the car kneel down and take a ton of pictures and all of a sudden think .....wait I'm cold. Damn I am really cold. Then you jump in the car turn the heat up and shiver while you look at what you got. You find one you think is OK, then you see the good one AHA! triumph. I am SO addicted.
I love this.

Thanks so much for the lovely comments about my sister. She is plugging along. Yes the pie helped!!! as did the beingets!
OMG they rocked. The maple creme was the best.
Tonight strawberry rhubarb shortcake for my dad. Favorite sister AND daughter status preserved!!!!

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