Back to Work

And yes, I am actually starting to like babies! Scary I know.

Ok, I can see you shaking your head and going what is the connection if you haven't visited in a while or ever before (Welcome).

One of the girls at work has a one month old baby, called Lucy. She knew we were all starting back at work so came in to visit with the little one. Before she left for her maternity leave I bought this little guy for the bubs, and turns out he was visiting today as well. They are all very happy and healthy, bubs is very cute and no I am not just saying that. And overall so happy for Mia and Stewart :)

Work also wasn't too bad, with only a few emails from the past couple of weeks to contend with, other than that, plodding along just figuring out what I have to do for the new year. Shouldn't be too bad, until I get into doing the reports tomorrow...oh well.

Hope everyone had a good Monday.

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