Belinda Lee

By bellee

One of the most important!

Not that the others weren't, but for the fact that mum and Trish were pen pals for I think longer than I have been around.

They never got the chance to meet each other but through their letters shared laughs, tears, and many many stories; I am sure Michael and I would be embarrassed by some, but that's ok. To have a friend like that was very special for mum and the way Trish has written her card I know she felt the same way.

It was quite difficult to read because I know there was so much meaning behind it. They spent half of their lives sharing their experiences, families and anything else that happened in that couple of weeks, sometimes a month between letters.

We use technology every day, but one of the most important sentences to me in the card is -

 "I have to tell you Belinda that your writing is quite similar to your mum's, as soon as I saw it I thought of her"

I might have to look at getting myself a pen people do that anymore?

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