. . . Riding is a partnership. The horse lends you his strength, speed and grace, which are greater than yours. For your part, you give him guidance, intelligence and understanding which are greater than his. Together you can achieve a richness that neither can alone . . .
Lucy Rees

Yes the Yorkshire Area Point-to-Point Horse Racing Club is back. The first meeting was held today at Sheriff Hutton, a village near York. The course is owned by one Mick Easterby, an 82 year old horse trainer who takes a full part in preparations and promotion of this event to raise funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Here is Simon Hunter – No 9 – on nine year old Morecambe Bay – leading the sixth race. Sadly Simon and his horse parted company three fences later – and he also fell off his mount in the last race – time for reflection ! Another day and success will come.

Hope you all have a grand week.

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