January thaw creates an ice jam!

I woke up this morning to discover the the temperature was hovering around 50 degrees, most of the snow had melted overnight, and there was an ice jam on the river in Chagrin River Park. Bob first learned about it when he stopped at Charlie's gas station to fill up the car with gas. Now I've been blipping for over five year (six years in May), and he knew that I would want to blip the ice jam that had just floated downriver and was attracting lots of curious people to the park, so he hurried home to tell me what I was missing. Take a look here if you are curious too. The young park ranger in the picture is testing the ice, but I have no idea what he was testing it for. I'm just glad he didn't fall in! The park is only about a mile up-river from Lake Erie, so sooner or later that ice will break loose and gush out into the Lake, pushing anything in its way out with it.

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