Food To Take Away, Allington

Day 11 of 365.An absolutely beautiful winter's day today. As usual for a Saturday I went for my pre breakfast run with my brother which involved running alongside the River Medway which flows through where I live.
Saturday is also food shopping day and means a trip to the Mid-Kent Shopping Centre in Allington - I love the no frills name, no silly names like Damsons, Angel or The Pines!
The shopping centre was built in the 1960's and features 20 shops with flats above. Today's shot is of the facade at the front and I really love the mosiac tiling, which contrast very strikingly with the sign for the Chinese takeaway. The light this afternoon was glorious, warm and golden.
I'll finish with a quote from John Berger - "All photographs are there to remind us of what we forget. In this - as in other ways - they are the opposite of paintings. Paintings record what the painter remembers. Because each one of us forgets different things, a photograph, more than a painting, may change it's meaning according to who is looking at it".
It's sometimes the everyday things that we easily forget but that doesn't mean that they have no value or don't lift our spirits when the sun decides to shine.

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