Padded Knees & Ankles, Aylesford

Day 12 of 365. I'm training for a half marathon next month so am having to do long runs, which usually happen on a Sunday. Today's was about eight miles or so - luckily it was another beautiful morning so I ran into town and then back along by the river. The flood waters have receded but left vast swathes of mud and other detrius on the river paths. Also, often in the lower branches of the trees were ripped plastic bags and other rubbish (including a stripy sock!) hanging like strange, unwanted jewellery twisting in the strong breeze.
I was speaking to a friend and said I felt like I had "middle-aged"knees, they seem to ache more now, more often. It was pointed out to me with a smile that I AM middle-aged, and I suddenly realised that of course I am - I am now classed as a "veteran" when I take part in races and my age doubled falls into the early nineties!
I passed this advertising board in today's shot and it made me think sometimes i would really like padded knees and ankles to ease the soreness after a long run.
I'll end with another photography quote, this time from Annie Leibovitz - "The camera makes you forget you're there. It's not like you are hiding but you forget, you are looking so much"
I really agree with this quote - when you are really enjoying taking photographs you seem to forget about time and place and just look so much at everything.

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