Could Try Harder!
I bet the person who thought to beat the queue and the cash till by trying a quick entry through the window was bitterly disappointed to have come up against toughened glass. Peckhams are apparently confident of further non success that they feel no need to rush and replace the window, or, it is actually a spoof smash to advertise the alcohol behind. In fact the more I think about it from the confines of the castle, the more I come to believe it is indeed a clever advert!
The book group cake was voted a success and the recipe has been duly circulated. It was good that the ladies hadn't realised it was the very same cake recipe that I served up the last time I hosted the group. The book itself was voted excellent with one exception, but it led to a good discussion. Our next book is 'Red Dust' by Gillian Slovo. I trailed round the city centre book shops this morning in a vain attempt to find a copy. I will have to resort to the internet.
The vile virus which is attacking my vocal chords is still in operation, so that speech has been reduced to a minimum and when it is a necessity, there is no knowing what sort of sound comes out. I am thinking of buying shares in Lemsip!
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