Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Moisture!!! Real rain!!!

I could hardly believe my eyes! We actually had rain today! ALL day! The kids were so excited. They wanted to wear their galooshes and brought their umbrellas. Which are all still right outside the front door. This one doesn't seem to be drying out....

I survived the PTA meeting. We had 78 people show up! At the old school, we were lucky to get a quorum of 13....including those who were on the board! I really did take my camera to the meeting and I was totally planning on taking a picture of the audience (I took it as a challenge!) but I was so wrapped up in the meeting that I forgot all about it.! Dang!

I had Parent/Teacher conferences today. Have you ever seen speed dating?? That's what it felt like. They were scheduled every 20 minutes, back to back. First Victoria, my gate student who is adjusting to fourth grade. Dash across the hall to for Ben, my ADHD mad scientist in the making who keeps his teacher on her toes. By then, running 10 minutes late, a sprint to the other end of the school to Katrina, my silly beginning reader who is excelling in math.

It put my "switching gears" skills to the test. Great reports from all the teachers. I'm so lucky that each of my kids wound up with the perfect teacher for them! This makes the year go sooooo much easier.

So far, all the fields are closed - no soccer or baseball practice tomorrow! Yippee!!!!

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