Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Fish again

Well, it's another one of those uninspired, uncreative, unmotivated blip days. I got too busy today.

These are Ben's goldfish in his room. He fished them out of our little pond. He made a Tinkertoy fishing pole, stuck some gum on the end of a string and lured them over. Then he swiped them up with his net. I think he's at his limit with five in his 10 gallon tank. It was getting pretty dirty in there, so we "hired" his sister's new sucker fish to clean up for a few days. He's there in the middle.

I had to type up the PTA minutes for our executive board meeting today. We have an association meeting tomorrow night. (Yeah, yeah....I've been procrastinating). I was told today that I will have to read the minutes and a whole bunch of motions in front of a room full of people! Yikes. I'm sure I'll do fine. But I remember a time when there was no way I would do that! (Yes, Mom, I hear you laughing.) I wouldn't ask for the time of day. Or call for pizza. Now I'll talk to just about anyone. For no particular reason.

I'm just rambling now. Better get to bed.

(I just clicked the wrong button and had to retype this whole thing all over again. Dang! I hate it when I do that!!)

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