
Daisy's year have been doing a project to regenerate Worthing, there was a presentation this afternoon. They each had a stand set up under different themes (leisure, business, retail etc) and you had to walk round and each team presented to you and answered your questions. Some of the projects were really fantastic and every single child who I spoke to was really impressive with their confidence. I wanted Daisy to stay at home another day after her migraine, she was having none of it and I (obv) thought she was brilliant. This is a spectacularly crappy shot but the hasty best I could manage. The screen behind her had a film on a loop that she put together set to some crazy music, it was excellent.

In other news, the day had a dramatic start when I flooded the kitchen and blew all the electrics. The turn it off for a few hours approach seems to have worked well there. In a conversation where I was telling Will I was the best mummy in the world, he had a moments hesitation and suggested there might be better mummies. Indignant questioning revealed the better mummies might shout a bit less. My argument that the non-shouting mummies just don't care kind of went over his head.

Working today was absolutely fine. I haven't particularly advertised my increased hours so nobody really bothered me. Hopefully I can keep that up for a few months. And I get that lovely Friday feeling which is nice.

Happy Friday then blip friends. I am going to watch a 2013 film tonight, don't know which yet, whatever is cheapest on Virgin movies that is on my list. I shall report back tomorrow as clearly hardly any of saw any films last year either.

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