The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Wildlife to the rescue ..

Mum was dreadful this morning. Totally lost. I can't imagine how it felt to be her.

And I would repeat the words she once said to me about my paternal grandmother - 'If I ever get as bad as that, just bop me on the head'

I hung around all morning .. and gradually she improved.

I looked into the garden and saw that Mama fox was sitting on the lawn - as is her habit. So I popped out with a snack for her and found that Auntie fox was there as well. No sooner had I sat down, than I realised that Marcus (the garden roe buck) was there too!

I got out in the afternoon and saw 40 plus red kites coming in to roost on the Wolds - but no worthwhile photos to show for it.

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