Light & sight

By CameronDP


In a moment of gadgety extravagance, I bought myself a wireless tracker a couple of days ago. A what? This is a little device which you clip to your cloths or wear on a wristband all day and all of the night, and it will then measure and record your levels of physical activity. Thanks to my new toy, I now know that I took 5,975 steps today and walked the equivalent of 2.85 miles. I burnt off (in a haze of manly sweat natch) 2,545 calories, and last night I slept for 5 hours and 38 minutes. During that time I was "restless" (whatever that means) for 23 minutes.
Nerdily intriguing.
In other news, the person mentioned here is no longer with all its twisty turns, eh??

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