A Metallic ..........

........... abstracty thing!!

Feeling a little blip-less today so took out a stem of leaves, that have been sprayed silver, from the Christmas flowers and tried to make it look artistic.
Came out more abstract than I expected and also looked a little more gold than silver in parts but I quite like it. Blip done and SOOC.

Shinier ........

A 'mission' tomorrow - leaving at midnight tonight and no room for the DSLR so will be taking my point and shoot ...... have to see what we come up with for blip tomorrow but I suspect it will be backblipped on Saturday as I will be late home Friday night.

Thank you for all your comments on my late afternoon sky yesterday.

Bit of a sound link ....

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/20" : 105mm : ISO 100 : EV 0.7

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