
By Rebekah

Chasing the sunset

I'm finally up to date with my blip (yay!), rather than perpetually being a day or two behind. Mum and I raced across town to see the sunset and to get some fresh air, as I'd not left the house all day. It was freezing. We also popped in to town on the way home to run a few errands and spontaneously go shoe shopping! I picked up two pairs of beautiful leather boots which were both over 50% off in the sale (but mum has squirrel-ed them away, upon my request, for a week-and-a-bits time until my birthday).

Having spent the day learning about substance misuse for my exam... it has driven me to want to... well... misuse substances. Even jut a glass of wine would do! Even the most interesting topic can become pretty tedious when you spend 12+ hours a day forcing yourself to stay glued to your desk learning about them.

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