
By Rebekah

When the lights go out

I know what I was trying to go for in this photo, but not quite sure I achieved it. The splash of yellow in the background is bugging me. But this photo marks a momentous, yet dispiriting occasion. The moment that the normal light bulb in the study burst, leaving only energy efficiency light bulbs in it's wake. You will be missed, my friend. I'm not against energy efficiency. Not at all. But I find those light bulbs damn annoying. I swear they're only energy efficient as no body wants to turn them on and wait the 15 minutes before they boot up... And invariably, by the time you're finished in a room, you'll end up switching the light off before it has even turned on properly in the first place...

Also, note that my nail varnish isn't yet chipped. Must be some kind of record.

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