Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Dirty Happy Trainers!

So I have joined the 100happydays challenge and this is very similar to my 2nd photo of that challenge. I am sure as the 100days pass some of my blips will be the same as the challenge, but I will try not to do it too often.

So as I have already said this is similar to my challenge shot as for the last 10weeks (give or take) I haven't been able to run because of circumstances out of my control and the two weeks before that I deliberately didn't run. That is a total of 12weeks inactivity, so you can imagine (or maybe not) how happy it made me to put on my trainers and get out for a run this evening. It was windy, but only wet under foot and although not too long or fast it was great.

Other than that, it was back to school today. Neither child had much enthusiasm, which is unusual, but I put down to post Center Parcs tiredness. I think that was correct because Carys (who pre Christmas we were battling with over going to sleep) asked to go to bed at the same time as William (6PM) and have lights out just after him! What is more she went to sleep.

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