
By antipodean

Tibbles & my feet

Why, Tibbles? Why?

Back to work today! It started out very slow, and it was a pretty cold day, so I spent a lot of time standing around feeling chilly and counting down to the end of the day. Of course, towards the end of the day when I was really ready to go we got slammed and my boss had to come and help me because I couldn't handle all the customers myself. More incentive to put two people back on the cart, hopefully!

After work I did some aspirational shopping - I bought a budget book to keep track of my monies this year, and a 2014 diary. I haven't been able to maintain a diary properly since I left school but I'm really going to try this year. Gotta be organised! It's going to be a crazy year.

Spent the evening snuggling with Tibbles on my bed, watching the new Elementary episode - it was amazing, as expected, and I continue to love everything about this show.

Tibbles and his weird fascination with feet continues to bemuse me. He spends a lot of time lying on Dad's thongs (flip flops for the Brits reading) in the evenings because they smell like feet. So gross!

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