Rain Stopped Play

The Boss went off to a Blipmeet this morning and as it was raining he drove rather than walked so I stayed behind and got to do NOTHING.
Dogs were not designed to do this. The Bossess was talking to her sister. Her sister was talking to The Bossess. The Boss had abandoned me to my fate to go eat Crunchy Caramel slice and so what could I do except “Hang Out” So I did. I hung out of my basket/bed and had completely mastered it by the time The Boss came home and quietly approached with his phone before I realised what was up. It was me!

There is an art to this as you need to align your head with the edge of the basket and then assume a controlled sprawl with the correct diagonal composition and I feel I did achieve this.

Tiny T advised that Wanaka’s latest Blipper was at the meet. WE are all terribly proud of “Snow Down Under” as ‘snow’ in her mid 80’s, opps sorry 29, had mastered an iPhone, it’s camera and the Blip App and posted several entries before telling us that she had done this.

Snow has one of the outstanding gardens in Wanaka so go have a peek here. Thanks.

The weather is supposed to be even worse tomoro and I think everyone is going to the movies. I have seen other dogs on TV but on checking out the back of the set I have concluded they were fakes.
I have never met another dog that smelt of hot electronics but then again maybe there is an iDog on the horizon. Mutter mutter.

Check the Curls

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