T n' T

K9 Translation 'Tussock in Tussock' Sorry no Big Bangs here.
Monday is walking day and a very reduced 'B' team went out this morning. This is a time of year that many folk are elsewhere or entertaining their families but our smaller group decided to explore the Bendigo old mining area which is just 30 minutes drive from town. The area is full of great walking tracks and old mining constructions from years past and is always a fun place to walk with terrific views. I am NEVER let off lead here as there are a number of very deep pits with only minimal protection and while humans can read signs and hopefully comprehend the danger, us dogs do suffer from over enthusiastic behaviour at times so a lead is an essential thing.

Thank goodness the heat of yesterday was not present today and we were all back in town just after 1.30 and as the town was full of holiday people taking up all the Café space, The Boss instead, popped round to acyclinggranny's and helped install LR4 which should streamline A's book production line.

As you would expect there is a lot of Tussock Grass on these hills so I guess today's shot was inevitable so you get to see me two days in a row. Pretty Pretty. The Boss says to tell you this is NOT standard practise.
Oh yes that's MY FRIEND PETER in the background wearing his special "AirFlo" hat which was the result of it passing through a mower sometime in the past.
Peter is Scottish and also has a sun burnt head.

Pretty...Pretty (Not to be confused with that Gollum bloke)

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