fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

Across the River

Today and tomorrow, I am on retreat - with my co-workers. We are staying overnight at a meeting centre, spending team time brainstorming and strategizing for the year.

I work with 7 other women, and I don't think we have many secrets - we work together and share stories from our lives (frequently accompanied by chocolate). It's not all "chick flick" worthy - we are very different individuals and we argue and snip at each other and have bitch sessions. But we work well together and cover for each other when it really counts. We plan, develop, organize and manage tours for cruise ship guests, so we really need to depend on each other to get through the season with our sanity intact.

This is the view looking across the river from our meeting centre. It's raining today, and will be a frozen mess tomorrow. I'm really glad we have a comfy area, complete with fireplace - and lots of chocolate - to hang out together.

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