Had an appointment at the hospital this afternoon. Not at the main hospital but at a clinic which is just beside The Metrocentre. I saw a doctor who confirmed that I need my gall bladder removed. Obviously not urgent as he gave me a provisional date of 24th June for the operation - although it could be later.

Afterwards I popped into The Metrocentre and did a bit of shopping. Then I got the bus to my local shops and picked up my repeat prescription and some fruit before walking home. The weather was really bad - windy with heavy rain.

At home I pottered about for a bit before realising I hadn't seen Lily. Tino was mooching around but no sign of Lily. I looked in all the usual places but still couldn't find her. I called out her name for a bit and then she appeared. I had no idea where from.

Then it was time to go to Slimming Club. The place was packed out with new members. I guess its that time of year when people decide to lose weight. I put on 5 pounds this week but I wasn't surprised. I have eaten all sorts of fattening food over Christmas and New Year ( and enjoyed every lovely bite ) but I got back on to " The Plan " today so hopefully I will lose a pound ( or two ) next week.

When I got home again Tino greeted me at the front door as usual but again no Lily. However when I went into my bedroom I noticed a lump under the fleece blanket on the bed. So this was little Lily's hiding place. I moved the blanket and she was all snuggled up and cosy. As today's Forum Challenge is cosy I grabbed my camera to get a quick shot before she moved.

Had a message from Neil to say that he had been to The Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane. He will soon be taking a flight to Melbourne and then flying back to London. Think he is due back home on Saturday.

This is the second time I have had to type all this and its taken me over two hours to post this blip. So its now after midnight. Gremlins in the blipfoto works tonight.

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