One for the record

As I put the slide show together for Mum's funeral we realised we had very few photos of Mum with her garden. I try not to regret much in life but I do wish I've thought of that and made it happen.

I departed my immediate family on a glorious day. This is one for the record. It's Mum and Dad's home and shows the splendid display of carpet roses along the front.

As Mum got older she decreased her garden size and found new ways to reduce maintenance but retain pleasure. Her standard roses went from her gardening repertoire and carpet roses became part of it.

She planned the colours along the front of the house. I love how it moves from pinks at one end, through yellows, apricots, soft pinks and reds at the other end. It really works too.

I'm pottering along slowly. It's enough that I've got home, have emptied my bags, put most things away and given the fur child attention.

Dad phoned me - something Mum always used to do when I returned home. He still has other immediate family around and he's doing ok.

I'm well loved and I know I just have to go gently and easily.

Thank you for the many lovely comments I've received of late. I'm too tired to reply but I'm learning and taking comfort from the things that have been said.

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