Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Are We There Yet?

We decided this morning that Mr. Fun was enough days beyond his knee surgery that we could head for the Central Coast for the next seversl weeks of his recovery. The doctor told him 4-weeks off work because the interior of his knee has severely inflamed.

We thought the salt air would be a great healing agent -- at least that's our sorry and we're sticking to it!

The main thing is he should NOT over-use the knee and at home he has done that at least once this past week with helping me put away Christmas decorations. So here at our little coastal house he should have no pressing chores or tasks.

The nurse told Mr. Fun he could take out his own stitches two weeks after surgery at that's what he plans to do.

We made it here today in 3 hrs 59 min 30 sec. I think it was our best time ever. We stopped once (and I paused the timer on my iPhone) and Mitzi who snoozes like a baby when she's in the car, jumped up and looked around as if to say, "Are we there yet?" Chloe also sleeps like a baby as we drive, but not Max! He sits and watches and breathes, make that "pants," for more than 50% of the trip. He just would not relax and chill-out. Actually, I think he wants to be in the front seat where the "watching" would be so much better!

Well, good night from California's Central Coast.
We love it here!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Mitzi, Chloe, & Max), aka Carol

P.S. I just wrote this entire entry on the itty-bitty keyboard on my phone. What a pain. I have a lovely large portable keyboard, but we haven't figured out how to get it connected to this phone--so the Mac Store is in our future.

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