3 and a half pounds of pure ...

Sugar, goodness, awesomeness, diabetes!

Today is the last full day we will be having Calum & Alison the Murdooches with us. So what better way to celebrate than a Man v Food round two.

Today it was off to LuLu's diner and bakery, just north of Downtown to try their 3 pound cinnamon roll. And like the pizza at Big Lou's even the stupendous size of this beast didn't take anything away from the taste. It was actually amazing!

We got one between the four of us and left with about half. We learnt our lesson with Big Lou's pizza... When you are full, stop! You will only make yourself feel I'll. And to be honest there can only be so much sugar your body can actually take : )

The rest of the day/ night will be spent chilling while our guests prepare themselves to get back into full traveling mode.

It's been awesome!

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