The Day I saved the Ducks.
I've been worried about the Ducks. The Ducks live on Maple Lake, near the public access where they spend most of their time. Because it's such a popular lunch spot/hang out, there are always lots of unintentional/well meaning scraps for them. They get quite bold too. Well, for ducks. So, they are so used to having food at their disposal, I don't know if they still know how to take care of themselves. And then when there's nothing but cold and snow ... well.
I love the Ducks. I've said so before. I think they are beautiful, funny and pleasant, and in all honesty, I've been waking up in the middle of the night thinking of them. The last few times we drove past the lake (I haven't been able to cycle out there for ages) they were tucked in, preserving energy.
So we bought a BIG bag of real dedicated duck/geese food and when there was a lull in the snow late morning, I walked to them. It was a Quest. 3 Miles. Through 5 inches of snow - and much more on sidewalks where all the snow from the roads had landed. Like, over my knees. And, of course, it started to snow some more. It took me 45 minutes just to get there - but it was well worth it. They were so happy I almost cried. Naturally, ducks are pretty much always happy, but I pretended they were extra happy. And if they decide to leave their crappy almost frozen solid desolate spot (which I told them they should), at least they can do it on a full tummy.
Then it took me another 45 minutes to get home (with a stop to take this photo because I loved the symmetry). The Beloved was sending texts and calling - and he NEVER gets worried.
We're expecting a high of zero tomorrow (-17C), with wind chills around -30(-34C), and more, much more snow. I'm half-expecting my boss to text me to stay home, but if not, we'll see what the morning brings and how the driveway looks. I am grateful for the Beloved being off for another week so he can (try to) drive me to work.
Last but not least; thanks SO much for the hearts on my drifting snow yesterday. It actually made it in my top 20 - which hasn't happened since my birthday last year.
Update: Yup. We're closed tomorrow. Hurray.
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