
By Fisherking

....all will be revealed.....

Forced myself to stay in bed until 7.30 this morning........I will break this annoying wide awake at 4.00 habit I've gotten into.

Breakfast with the Daughter......Son and Heir and Charlie over with another bunch of washing....YH and Hannah sleeping at home!......

Got all my gear and stuff ready for going back to work tomorrow.......grumble, groan.

Finished off my Christmas present from's a cribbage score board....he designed it himself and had it cut with a CAD/CAM system at S' school.

Will it ever get taken out and used on a Sunday night?....I don't know.....but it will get used on family holidays etc.

Not talking about football after today's now it's out for a beer with D and B..........and then off to bed.......and unless someone leaves me a HUGE pile of money under my pillow tonight it's up for work at 6.45 in the morning!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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