Breaking Dad

Thought I'd had a genius idea to get to Head Over Heels soft play centre early this morning. That was until I wheeled the pram into the car park at 10am to see it rammed full!

The place was heaving with toddlers that had just had their Weetabix. It was nuts. Audrey loved it but was really teary every time another child ran into her (which was often). Took this picture of her in the UV lit ball pool.

Come to think of it she was pretty teary and clingy a lot of the day. Teething again at a guess!

Angus and I watched the final episode of Breaking Bad on Audrey's two hour nap. Wow. Just wow. We've really enjoyed it. January is for boxsets, so we just ordered The Shield on DVD to help us get through our Breaking Bad grieving time!

Angus took Audrey for the second half of the day so I did lots of boring jobs upstairs like cleaning, tidying, sorting, backing up files, getting stuff ready for eBay etc. Soooo January!!!

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