
By MrsLambchop

Worst Day Ever

Child#4 was 4 today.

He was up most of the preceeding evening with firstly a massive chicken pox itching episode and secondly an antihistamine induced trip. At 2am he was in a porridge bath, in the dark because he Did Not Want the light on. Then as we crept back into bed (finally, as he Did Not Want to get out of the bath) husband#1 wished him a happy birthday which started him off again. 3am is not birthday time unless there are balloons out and he Did Not Want balloons in the dark.
Then there was a brief lull before it all went pearshaped again when he got a paper cut opening one of his cards. He Did Not Want a papercut and after that he Did Not Want to open any more presents.

Unfortunately for husband#1, he had already opened up the playmobil school and thus husband#1 spent the entire day constructing it, only to find child#4 Did Not Want to play with it.

Mucho Peppa Pig and cuddles kept child#4 on a relatively even keel until after lunch, when we got the cake out. He Did Not Want anyone to be in his picture. He Did Not Want anyone to look at his cake. He Did Not Want anyone to eat his cake.

Eventually everyone else went to the park and we had chocolate and Angry Birds until tea.

He Did Not Want tea.

And the spots keep coming.

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