
By MrsLambchop

Birthday boy

What else does a three year old boy want to do on his birthday but go on a steam train, go to the park and eat cake? We also let him loose in the shop at the steam railway and after filling his arms with >£50 of Thomas trains, he compromised on 3 carriages. Oh the disdain he heaped on the lady on the till when she asked if he wanted to put them in a bag... He took a deep breath and in his best Waynetta voice declared "they is going on my railway, not in a bag"

We also irked him by making him eat tea before he ate cake ('no, set fire to it now!') and refusing to let him get on the horses on the field next to the park. However I also left him alone very briefly in the same room as a pile of wrapped presents...let's just say he enjoyed that.

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