Me & Keira

4years 76days

Fairly lazy start to the morning. We intended to go swimming before Church, but I needed to find my spare phone so mine could go to be fixed and Katie had lost it. So we looked for that and then played! We headed to Church, and she was pleased to see her friends although it really was a poor service. She had a lovely time after, did some great pictures and we got to catch up with family and friends.

We briefly stopped in the supermarket as we had lunch guests coming. We bumped into her keyworker a couple of times in the shop, which she thought was hilarious. We arrived home in plenty of time for our friends. John and Tracy came round with deliciously fabulous baby Keira (who is nearly 11weeks old now, crazy!). We had a nice lunch, a coffee and did some photos. Katie and Keira had snuggles, then I got their first family shots and some Christmassy ones of Keira in her little Santa outfit. First clients this year to have sorted their Christmas 2014 images!!

Since they left, Katie has been a whirl of imagination, in her little world having a fabulous time. There's been twirling, singing, dancing, interspersed with parties, nursery times and outings. I love hearing her play like that!

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