The Very Last Of Christmas, Aylesford

Day 5 of 365. Started the day off with a longish run of about six miles or so, which featured a steep climb up the gloriously named Pratling Street which finishes in the lee of the North Downs. It was a rather beautiful morning, the greyness having lifted and the sun weakly showed it's hand. It managed to light up the expanding vineyard below, regimental lines caught in a winter morning's glow.
Anyhow, today's image is from Aylesford High Street and what I hope to have captured is that strong sense of melancholy you feel at the very last of the Christmas period just as the lights are about to disappear for another year. The picture itself was taken outside what used to be the Little Gem pub which finally closed in 2010. It was a tiny, cramped, very atmospheric place where I spent quite a few New Year's Eves - I fuzzily remember a particularly vigorous Old Lang Syne where my brother fell over a kerb and cut his arm on a pint glass!
I'll end with another quote from a photographer, in this case Robert Frank - "Above all, life for a photographer cannot be a matter of indifference".

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