Job almost complete!!

The product of several hours labour!! This boring box contains the mail out for our nurses’ league meeting in May. Two years ago we were sending out a standard invite to 350+ members, but having transferred their details to a database and archived the records of members who do not respond to the invite for 2 or more consecution years, we now have 180+ who we know are alive and speaking to us!! Also 50 who are on their second chance to reply?

This was not a simple exercise, as we have 3 catagories of membership and invites, but I won’t bore you with the details.

We ventured out on another wet day, but only did some food shopping. Armed with a list, determined not to buy more than absolutely needed!!

We have heard from R and they are on their way home from Nepal :0)
She is in the process of back blipping, so I will post a link when she has finished!!

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