The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Boxing Day & Puppies

Q came to our room not long after we had gone to bed last night, worried about the exertions of the trek ahead. We all talked about our plans and reassured him that whilst they were very ambitious, we were there to be successful and would take into account any ailments that came our way as we progressed. No need for fear or worry, we would take things as they came.

And so after that I struggled to get back to sleep, listening to barking dogs for a few hours before I nodded off. We woke at 6.30am, breakfast at 7am and then packed up ready for an 8am departure. We walked from Pangboche to Periche, quite a straight-forward walk ambling through the valley that took us two and a half hours…as opposed to the four hours in the guidebook! We stopped at around 11am for an early lunch – Veg Soup for me – and played with a small puppy that was living at the lodge. After lunch we headed up the valley to Dughla – a steady, uphill trek for around one and a half hours that, although we nattered most of the way, was quite draining. Although to realise that we had arrived not long after 1pm meant that we had a long afternoon ahead. And Paul had realised that he cannot charge my MacBook…panic stations, I need to finish the new UTC prospectus and write a load of policies before I go back to work. DAMN. I said much stronger words than that.

After unpacking my rucksack we had a Christmas piece of Toblerone each and then sat drinking tea. Q opted for a Mars Bar but I enjoyed a second bowl of Dahl soup and then decided to sit in the sun-trap room and write. I’m hoping to finish the prospectus in the next hour so that I get it done before I run out of battery!

Dinner is ahead and then an early night. It is cold up here so the best place to be is in your sleeping bag!

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