All packed and ready for home
Woke up and started packing at 6 this morning to try and avoid the worst of the heat. It certainly takes longer to pack than unpack! We finished by 11 and by then it was already scorching so we were glad we started early.
A cold shower and an icy drink at the kiosk set us up for the drive home, luckily only 2.5 hours for us.
We are home now and have had some time to relax. We had such a good time and are so grateful that we get to go on adventures like this with special family members. Hopefully there will be many more this year!
One more day then it's back to work and the real world. Tomorrow will be a transition day, preparing for the next year at work and finishing off holiday jobs at home. 2014 is now well on the way!
Back blipped from the 1st today ( now that I'm back to an internet connection.)
Starting again 49/365
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