Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

The big clean up

It started with a walk in closet in my bedroom, moved to the car and the sticky child seats, into the playroom and the living room. I'm guessing that by next Christmas we'll be done with purging.

Could I be considered a hoarder if I still have an IKEA sized blue bag full of receipts and paperwork? That's 10-15 years old?

I'm blaming it on the fact that when we moved to this house, we took our Florida home belongings out of storage and were in the midst of my Callum pregnancy and Reuben's intensive medical life. I guess at the time, sorting through bags of paperwork was not my priority. Now I have the luxury of time. Oh, what a lovely treat!

Just my office to do now. The shower in my office has been used for storage for 2 years. Dear oh Lord!


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