
By Kiteseeker


Despite the poor forecast awoke to bright sunshine. Conscious of making the most of the weather headed out with the camera - Jet our black labrador did not hesitate to keep me company and enjoyed the attentions of the many visitors still milling around after the festive season.

I chose this blip of the church in Pickering (famous for the 15th century wall murals which had been whitewashed over to avoid them distracting the congregation during the Reformation and only uncovered in 1876). More information here

The weather still was bright so shelved plans for sorting the attic and headed out with Stephen and the dog for a walk out to Skelton Tower near Levisham on the North York Moors and enjoyed a walk and opportunity for Stephen to try some photography with his new camera. He managed to get the picture of the train heading towards the station which I sadly missed!

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