Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


The Christmas decorations started to come down today with the kids rooms and hallway getting cleared and cleaned, but the tree and some other bits and pieces in the lounge remain - Yeah!! - though I'm sure over the weekend the rest will follow....!

This is a picture of one of the last bits to be put away until next Christmas and it is simply the word...LOVE.

For those who read my Blip journal will know that I am a Christian and some of my "Musings" will reflect the belief and trust that I have in Christ.....and the word LOVE sums up what Christmas for me is really all about.

Yes we can (and we do...) enjoy the food, the drink, the festivities, the re-runs of classic T.V. and films (was the Great Escape on this Christmas??), the turkey, the Jumpers and the eternal hope that it might just snow on the day itself.........but on top of all that, Christmas is about LOVE - God's greatest present to the world, His Son in the form of a baby to grow up as a man and to demonstrate His love by the giving of Himself "for the sake of the world"...(you can read more about what Jesus really was all about in any of the 4 accounts of Him in the beginning of the New Testament of the Bible).

So at the beginning of this year, I hope that you may know love in your life: the love of friends and family, but even more than that, I hope that you may know (or even discover) how much the creator of this world loves and cares for you...

Have a great 2014...

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