Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of fiona #92

The granddaughters and their parents left late this afternoon in the rain, almost dark and with big winds predicted (but not yet here.) This mid day photo was taken in the same spot on the same day a year ago(Love this blip feature!) when Fiona was not yet 3. She is taking a break from eating an entire plate of pancakes (at least 12.. no wonder she is growing like a weed!) to write F I O N A on the back of the wooden “paper doll” she colored with pink and purple hair, that her very patient sister Tatum is waiting to pack up to take home…

This is a wonderful New Year’s tradition now to have family here - it might change when they are teenagers...but memories are being made....

And soon H and I are going to have leftovers for dinner and sit on the couch and watch an adult movie for something different!

Later I’ll post the family New Year Photos on flickr....HERE!

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